Monday, September 24, 2012

"Therefore, let every one that is out of Christ, now awake and fly from the wrath to come.  The wrath of Almighty God is now undoubtedly hanging over a great part of this congregation:  let every one fly out of Sodom:  "Haste and escape for your lives, look not behind you, escape to the mountain, lest you be consumed."~ Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

This quote is telling people to repent from their evil ways, and start fearing the Lord.  The first sentence is saying that everyone that is not with Christ, start following the word of God, and ergo avoid his wrath.   The second sentence is straightforward:  God's hand of judgement is looming over you, and the only way to escape calamity is to do what he wants you to do, and that is to follow his word.  The first part after the colon is where Edwards is telling his congregation to get out of their sinful ways.  the second part after the colon is Edwards telling his congregation to flee from sin quickly, don't look back at your trail, and go to the mountain (a very symbolic element in the Bible as a refuge from evil) or you will be taken back into sin.

I believe that these words and phrases are important to this quote:  Christ, wrath, Almighty God, congregation, Sodom, Haste and escape for your lives, mountain, and consumed.  

Starting with Christ, this is the area where every puritan, or just Christian in general wants to be.  "Christ" is the main figure of Christianity, and he is the savior of them.  Edwards uses his name to emphasize how out of line the sinners are, that they are not following Christ, and therefore God.  

Wrath is a very main theme in this quote.  Wrath is another word for "God is going to kick your ass and then burn you alive".  This is what Edwards' entire sermon is based upon.  He's telling his audience, his congregation, that unless you follow God's laws, then you are sinning, and are subject to some hardcore punishing by God.

Almighty God is what the Christians think of their deity:  Almighty.  His word is absolute, his laws are what you follow, and it co-supports the punishment of sinners if you don't follow his laws.

Congregation is important because this is Edwards' audience, the people he's warning of God's wrath.  His descriptive words are his way of trying to tell them that they are sinning, and they must repent and reform their ways.  

Sodom is very vital in the phrase, because this is another way of symbolizing sin, evil, and straying from God.  Sodom was a city in which it was supposedly destroyed by flaming brimstone falling from the sky, and that God had a hand in it.  The reason that Sodom was destroyed was that it's residents were sinners, and therefore were subject to doom by God's will.  This word is placing the sinners of Edwards' congregation in that idea, that they are sinning and they ought to be changing their ways before they are doomed.

"Haste and escape for your lives" is Edwards saying that you better stop sinning, and stop fast, for God has no patience and he will strike you down quickly if he wants.  

The word, "mountain"  is the symbol of the Christian refuge from evil.  If one is "flying out of Sodom", then where does a Christian go?  To the mountain.  That is where they achieve salvation and are safe from sin and all things bad to a Christian.

The word "Consumed" is basically Edwards telling his congregation that they will be devoured by their own vices, and that unless you follow the tenets of the Puritans, you're going straight to Hell, one way or another.

This quote is Edwards' way of saying "Follow God's word, or go to Hell". 

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