Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Myrtle Wilson

In Chapter two, Myrtle Wilson is introduced at the garage of her husband.  She appears to be demanding, however very quiet and calm.  This can be seen when she asks her husband to get chairs for Tom and Nick who are visiting him.  During her outing with Tom Buchanan and Nick Carraway, she buys a copy of Town Tattle, a moving-picture magazine, then she stops at a drug store to pick up cold cream and a flask of perfume, and finally she spends ten dollars on a dog to bring home.  Later at her apartment, she is no longer as docile, but rather brash and outgoing as she brings guest after guest into her living space.  She displays her more intense attitude by changing her dress, which everyone is complimenting her on.  However she insists that she only wears it when she doesn't care what she looks like.

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