Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nick and Fitzgerald's opinion on the upper class/high society

Nick's comment suggests that Tom and Daisy are upper class folk.  When he describes Daisy smirking, it shows their arrogance, which, according to Nick, asserts their position in society.  Nick also uses the word distinguished, meaning that Tom and Daisy are of a social circle that stands out, indicating that they are of high society.   His opinion of is a mixed bag of befuddlement and feeling repulsed by them. Nick comes from the Midwest, where he is used to being polite, but now that he is in New York, he is bombarded by the new social behavior and culture which Is different from Minnesota, which in the book is first introduced via Tom and Daisy.  Nick's comment correlates to Fitzgerald's quote through the similarities of their situations. Fitzgerald was always around the upper class social circles even though he didn't have the kind of money that they had, and Nick has the same financial and social situation. Quoting Fitzgerald, "I will never forgive the rich for being rich", like Nick, he is not used to the culture of the wealthy, even though he is actually surrounded by said culture.

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